Being honest, either with yourself or someone else, can be hard as hell. More often than not is easier to sweep your thoughts under a mental rug, rather than summon the courage to face the truth. Yet somehow, Alex Lahey makes it seem so damn easy. “I Haven’t Been Taking Care Of Myself” is an utterly confident profession of not being okay – the chorus a chaser of pure, blissful relief of laying it all out there.
Can you listen to this without feeling that? Can you listen without grabbing a hairbrush, broom, whatever’s closest and singing along? This song seeps into your pores like warm sunlight after a few cloudy days in a row. It just feels good. Lahey discusses the song, saying:
“A lot of the songs on the record are about the relationships that we engaging in with other people. ‘I Haven’t Been Taking Care Of Myself’ deviates from that in that it’s about the relationship that we have with ourselves and how that is reflected in the way we bring others into our lives. If you feel shit about yourself, you’re generally going to get off on the wrong foot with someone else.”
The video for the song, directed and illustrated by renowned Australian street artist Callum Preston, took over 14 hours and comprises 1,800 still photographers to assemble.
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